Thursday, March 27, 2014

Strings and selvedges

This is a top from last year...pale and feminine. Selvedges with words like "fleur", and "garden"...with pastel string pieces. The one pale beige block in the center features the Eiffel Tower . The border fabric (and backing) has roses, post marks and cursive script and the word, "Paris"!

I had to use my Singer Featherweight on the kitchen counter to piece the back. Because MY back has flared up, and sitting at the machine is part of the problem!

Voila! The back is ready for the batting and quilting!

This will be a gift for my first granddaughter, I think!


1 comment:

LoVina said...

I love this it is so pretty I see the buttons ones ORANGE one you gave me. Quilt tonight was great and so glad to see this one